
lunes, noviembre 27, 2006

jueves, noviembre 16, 2006

yes yes, I love me too xD

Like I said on the evening, I come now with a new update for the cxr. Now it's "finished", it only needs a big screws on the edges.

miércoles, noviembre 15, 2006

Cxr W.I.P

A W.I.P of the new revision of cxr that I'm making, I suppose that on the night I could finish the wheel, cause now, I've to go to the classroom xD Real one
See you.

domingo, noviembre 12, 2006

Sometimes you play good...

...but you lose. GAME OVER, the game is finish and you don't have more coins and effort to play.

I make this one very quick with the mouse and photoshop, I though to do an scratch to make it in 3D but I don't have forces to make any 3D work now hehe.
The credit for the font is LVDC GAME OVER 2.

hope you like it.

viernes, noviembre 03, 2006

A lil' update

May be you'll waiting for a new renders, but I'm working now on the car, I remake some things on the car and i'm trying to optimize the mesh, well more than optimize making better than before and put more details on it, and now i'm focusing on the interior.
I'll put some new pics of the car, but I've got to make a lot of things and remake the shaders.

sábado, octubre 21, 2006

Japanese Parking WIP

I know that it's a while since my latest update, but I'm working hard these days (not all that I want).
But well, I'm doing textures for all the scene of the parking, like the parking was inspired by a small scan of famitsu about the new tokyo xtreme racer of x360, and was two weeks ago when it was released in spain, i've got to finisih this one jeje.
Like you could appreciate if you've got the game, it's a little different, coz I made the scene based on a little scan when the game didn't go out.

It's still a WIP, and i've got to retouch some textures like the one of the asphalt and make some news like the ones of the wall.

domingo, octubre 01, 2006

mmm...neat image

Before to remake the entire shaders scene, I try with a little program that allows to you to pass a filter to erase the noise, and It works very well, the diamonds looks worst but the entire image looks better, may be seems more syntetic but I like it.

Somebody said noise¿? T_T

I'm very tired of this weekend but well, I try to renderize the scene with maxwell this night and it didn't work.
I put a "good" configuration for the render and I left the pc 6 hours making the render and it still looking with noise, and the diamonds don't look all the good that I hope, for this I will remade the shaders and the render configuration for vray.

Well, I like a lot the image but the fucking noise that appears makes taht the image turns off at the second sight.

miércoles, septiembre 27, 2006

She took her shoes off ^_^

I know that the shoe isn't perfect, but I'm very proud of it, coz I made it in less than a half an hour.
And with that scene I'm starting to feel all the things that made me fell in love with 3D and that i lost some months ago.
I hope that this new breath make me realize that this is the only path that I need to follow. Finally I'll need to give thanks to all the bitches of my world that inspire me every day :'( xD.
You'll understand the meaning of the scene when It will be finish, I hope that this will be soon, but I want to make a nice scene, and for this I need to work with cloth physics for the two things that remains to do, and I would to use maxwell render instead of vray, coz I want to make it the most realistic that I can do, and the light and shaders in maxwell are a way better than the ones that I can make in vray (with my poor skills in shaders and lights subject), and I'm wondering if to use some DOF or not.

martes, septiembre 26, 2006

Fucking Princess

I'll made a crown of a princess that I'll use in a new scene that I must to make one of these days.

martes, septiembre 05, 2006


In theory the paint is finish, but I wanted to do some lens effect, something like a DOF, but I tried to select all the part that isn't naruto and when I put the filter the black lines goes to hell and all the edges looks distort, for this I'll leave like this for now, and may be tomorrow or some other day I'll try to do the DOF effect.

domingo, septiembre 03, 2006

jueves, agosto 31, 2006

Back from summer

I was out the most part of this month, but I return to my house the other week.
I didn't make anything coz was the city celebrations and you know...alcohol alcohol alcohol and no work XD.
But I started a new work yesterday and I come to show you some new stuff, well, the one that I made yesterday (W.I.P) and a quick rim that I made today for a friend.

It's a fucking hell paint something with a mouse, luckily i've got a good laser mouse that can up and down the dpi of precision, I NEED A WACOM XD

martes, julio 04, 2006

True Color 2

Sugoi ^_^

True color

I made a new shader for the s2000, I made the intercooler and lowered the car. I don't know why but the s2000 appears unsmoothed and I don't have time now to make another render coz' it's too late (2am and I'll go to work at 8am; you know, I'm crazy XD).
And well, the diablo still need the brand name on the rear and well, the two cars need a remake in some parts but I don't like to make this things and I supposed that I leave the cars like they are now, and I will make a new car for put into the scene alone.

Enjoy It

lunes, junio 26, 2006


What do you think¿? It starts to look cool , well, the car seems another in a normal scene like this, yeah it'll be a car park and may be I'll make a render with the 4 cars that I made, the two s2000, the lambo diablo and the rx-7 making some retouch on rx-7 and the amuse s2000 coz' it looks very crappy xD.

viernes, junio 23, 2006

New stuff

These last days were bad for me and 3D coz I don't know why but I lost the need of made things in 3D and be proud of that and I spend a lot of time making some other things.
But well, the bad boyz never dies and I return with more power than before, the last project that I leave in progress was the "representation" of the gorillaz scene.
This is the one of last renders that I took

But yesterday, I need to make a present to a friend of mine that was her birthday the 21st. (this one, have a lot of post process in photoshop)

And today, while I was speaking with fellas in msn I see like a flash a capture of the new Tokyo Xtreme Racer (Shutoku Battle), the scan where you can see a car park, and I'll try to represent it for make a decent scene for the s2000. And yes, I don't wanna make it perfectly accurate i prefere to leave my mind free.

miércoles, mayo 31, 2006


This saturday would be a nice day, but no, like always i have a fucking god that only amuse seeing me crawling and for this I'll be ill for this entire week, ueeeeeeeee i'm happy (yes, i'm just kidding with this happiness) ¬¬'.

And, well, like i'm ill and all this shit I'll make something new these days. The codename of the project is Fly land, and i'll try to do something similar to the fly land of the gorillaz videoclip, the one of Feel Good INC.

domingo, mayo 07, 2006

Fuck, I'm crazy

Yes, like you can see, i put a piercing on my ear counch like volchock had (O.C).
It seems a little heavy, and it's xD, but makes the same pain thant the other one of my ear.
I need to work more in the fucking gun but i'm in final weeks and i prefere to leave it for these last days. When the course will finish i will return with a lot of stuff every day, I promise.

jueves, abril 27, 2006

You want to lick my gun? xD

New render
Like the last render was a little crappy, i updated with these other that make more justice.

Bang bang

Shader looks bad coz' like i said, the fucking base of the gun is bad, but well, when i finish to put all the things on the top part i will remake this one or fix the bad normals.

martes, abril 25, 2006

Desert never dies

It's been a while since my last updated. But i'm a lil' busy these days making some stuff for an adventure's game with a friend and I haven't time to updated the site.
But now that i've got a lil' more time I'm working in two scenes now, one it's the one of the renders below the words, and it's the inmustikable Desert Eagle, it needs a lot of work, but i never thought that a fucking smoke gun could have some bad edges like this one.
And for the other project I don't know when i'll have time to finish, but basically it will be some crappy scene with a cut veins on the shower with some DOF for hide my poor organic modelling xD.

Yep, the base part needs to be remodelled or fix with more polys (it stills being a WIP)

And before to go sleep (it's the 2 a.m and tomorrow I've got class XD) i only need to see that i'm a lil' happy to say that supossedly, the next year, I'll go to vfs to study all this shit more good than here in barcelona, where don't exist industry for games or movies/commercials, and where the schools to learn don't fit all that i need to be someone one day.

domingo, marzo 05, 2006

Clay renders

I made 2 clay renders for see the modelling part and i think that it's good, may be with some lil' mistakes but it's hard to fix them now. And i try with some shaders but i don't know if the fault is in the render settings or in the shader configuration coz' the car looks very crappy T_T.

miércoles, marzo 01, 2006

Bads never die!!!

I start a new phase in my short 3d life. Like you can see in all the models that i made, specially with the s2000, my skill levels in modelling terms are very good, i know that i need to improve a lot, but seeing the first projects that i made the last year, this s2000 rocks the world xD, but in the ilumination and shaders terms the s2000 is in the same level of my first projects :(.
To fix that I will start with the conventional things, I will start to make a lot of simple scenes, the ones that only needs to spend 5 minutes modelling and all the efforts needs to be in the shaders and ilumination for obtain something good.

And like always, something different that i really don't know what i did, coz maybe she don't deserve this, but i prefer to don't thinking about that, i have others things to think more importants like what i need to do this weekend :P.

P.S: Rodri, finally i've got the jean paul gautier :P

lunes, febrero 20, 2006

domingo, febrero 19, 2006


Now i think that only remains to make the side rear views and play with shaders and textures ^^
May be i'll make something more for the interior and for the lights but i don't know what to do.
Initial D Style xD
I like it ^^

viernes, febrero 17, 2006

A little update for s2000

Now I'm working on the rear wing, but this renders are a little old, well, from yesterday for be more exact xD
I think, that i only need to make the rear wing and fix the front and the rear air intakes making a grid or something and retouch a little the interior (coz'now looks very empty) and the car looks nice compared to the others that i make ^_^.