
martes, diciembre 11, 2007

If you settle for nothing now...

you will settle for nothing later.

To escape from the pain in an existence mundane
I gotta 9, a sign, a set and now I gotta name

Read my writing on the wall
No-ones here to catch me when I fall
Death is on my side....suicide!

miércoles, diciembre 05, 2007

Mud Mud Mudbox

Yep, Zbrush it's a very good soft, may be the 3.1 it's a bit better than mudbox, but the interface sucks a lot and scares me, and the other day taking a walk around the net I found mudbox that was adquired by autodesk and I though lets go to prove it, and yep, may be it's less powerful in terms of polys or the lack of good materials... but well, I feel more confortable with it in 2 days than with Zbrush an entire month xD
Yep, I know that I have to improve a lot, but with mouse it's hard to do eyes and mouth :(
A new scene started today.

And well, I think that I'm gonna make the scene that neo stops bullets, 'cause I watch a photo today of that scene and, fuck, it's very easy to do (I think), one bullet x 100, blur and anything more xD.

sábado, noviembre 24, 2007

Veilside/sorcery s2000

3Ds Max & Vray, I did it a long time ago, then I remade some parts (most of them) to make it better, and well, now that I have a nice pc I take a render with a decent light.

Car it's a Honda S2000 with front and rear bumper from sorcery (nsx adapt) and the other parts from veilside kit with a racing hart cxr, sha_do asked me to erase the front and rear from veilside and make it like that ^^

jueves, noviembre 22, 2007


vivo en los medios dias, huyendo de la luz y de la oscuridad, enmedio de este inmenso vacío, mientras el aire de la ventanilla bajada me roza los pensamientos,
pensamientos que se preguntan donde estoy y en que me he convertido, que será de mi en este lugar sobrio y poco amigable;
de golpe me encuentro en mi destino,del que yo no elegí más que una dirección al azar, y ese azar que se nutre de las consecuencias de mis actos, me ha convertido en lo que soy.

Buy it, use it, break it, fix it,
Trash it, change it, melt - upgrade it,

Charge it, pawn it, zoom it, press it,
Snap it, work it, quick - erase it,
Write it, cut it, paste it, save it,
Load it, check it, quick - rewrite it,
Plug it, play it, burn it, rip it,
Drag and drop it, zip - unzip it,

Lock it, fill it, curl it, find it,
View it, coat it, jam - unlock it,
Surf it, scroll it, pose it, click it,
Cross it, crack it, twitch - update it,
Name it, rate it, tune it, print it,

Scan it, send it, fax - rename it
Touch it, bring it, obey it, watch it,
Turn it, leave it, stop - format it. (8)

jueves, noviembre 15, 2007

Deja ya de sonreir cariño, no me dejas ver las estrellas

Trying to integrate a 3Dscene with a photograph (normal and vectorized). I like it, 'coz I did it in 3hours more or less

pk kada vez k te veo desaparezko...
para k kuando me buskes puedas enkontrarme.

viernes, noviembre 09, 2007

Things that happends when you change the pc

A pair of crysis caps to make some envy...xD

Coke on basket scene
Vectorized by http://vectormagic.stanford.edu/

viernes, octubre 12, 2007


Something different, 'cause these days I'm drawing and writting a bit instead of 3D.

sábado, septiembre 08, 2007


Solo, en mis noches de insomnio y resaka, pienso en ti, en lo mucho que nos hablabamos y en todas las cosas que sucedieron, sobretodo en esas que nos alejaron irremediablemente y me hicieron sentir tan estúpido, supongo que madure de golpe, o eso creía, pues las personas maduras saben lo que quieren y yo no hago más que ahogarme en mares de preguntas sin respuesta, sin respuesta porque ni yo ni tu nos atrevemos, tenemos miedo a volver a fracasar.

Recuerdo esas noches de locuras con añoranza, cuando sentia por tí, y creo que tu me correspondias aunque ni te atrevieras a susurrarlo. Y ahora sólo me queda el sabor amargo de lo que pudo y no fue, y es que casi hace un año de aquello.
Mas cuando te tengo cerca, mis ojos te buscan inconcientemente, y es entonces cuando cruzamos las miradas y pienso en decirte algo, aunque sea banal...antes que termine el vaso le hablaré, sueño, pero me doy cuenta de mi torpeza y me retiro antes de poderte dirigir una sonrisa.

Algun dia hablaremos como antaño, lo juro! de mientras esperare resignado a que ella dé el primer paso, y es que yo no valgo para eso.

And now, a bit sleep to take my driving license 'cause I'm tired to walk...

jueves, septiembre 06, 2007

Home, sweet home...

hope to finish tomorrow to post on 7th, my birthday -some shit like that-, I don't wanna grow more, fucking fairy tales that cheat on me all my life T_T

w.i.p: shaders on books, something more to model, light and a bit of magic...I said...photoshop hehe

martes, septiembre 04, 2007

Another day...

I hope that tomorrow, or at least, one day of this week will be the Day, and I will be happy and proud of me, but may be it finalize bad.

Without any more to announce the W.I.P....

Yep, the inspiration from almost perfect bt Delya, I like a lot that draw and divineerror representation...

sábado, septiembre 01, 2007

Fck, I couldn't finish xD

I like a lot how it goes for the moment ^_^

It will need a good light and make a good furniture, 'cause I tried to reutilize the one on the right and...ejem, it looks bad xD
I think that I need something more futuristic, well, more actual, with more intensity but at the same time without braking the pastel harmony. And i have to though how to make the floor, cause wood or marble will be a bit...out of place, may be a bit of fur 8-)

viernes, agosto 31, 2007

Wow, it's possible to add videos now =)

But no, I won't upload a video on this post 'cause I come to say something and leave a pic of the new scene that I'll try to finish today...or tomorrow


viernes, julio 27, 2007

A bit of chocoart

A scene for a friend that asked me for a flog image and... yes, just a bit overmetaphorical, just like me...

3DsMax9+Vray+Zbrush+Photoshop+Donan's help with DOF and other effects xD

jueves, mayo 24, 2007

S2000 Finished

I finish the s2000 2 or 3 days ago, but I was trying to put the scene with a nice ilumination and it's impossible to handle, max crash every time because it needs more ram that what I have xD
The second car have a white material, the first one have a white with blue reflection, both of them mades in
I will try another time tomorrow, but I don't have a big hope xD

Detail of Endless brake caliper
With the correct shader and the correct disc.

The next project is to make angelina jolie's head with splines.